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Writer's picturepaolocavaliere

Getting past a roadblock

How to get around it.

When we are stuck and we can't find a a way to work on a project; when we are trying to be creative and we are suffering a full-blown block, we need to switch off our pre-frontal cortex (front part of the brain, where all the decisions are taking place).

In that state the wrong answers are stopping the right ones from emerging.

What we need to do:

  • Be Aware of whats happening as you putting the project on in your pre-frontal cortex but ensure you don't focus too hard, quite the mind of other thoughts and simply the project as much as possible.

  • Reflect and observe your own thinking process. See the bigger picture.

  • Enjoy the moment of the Insight: as you are more relaxed because you have a quieter mind, you will notice that the insights are coming with an energetic punch (think when you see insights on people faces or hear it in their voices): there is a rush of adrenaline and dopamine. You feel excited and you feel great.

  • Time to take Actions: take the opportunity to harness the energies released from the insight. Go for it. Don't waste the short lived moment.

I think it is important to recognise the process of the insight just describe with the practical techniques for increasing the likelihood of insight.

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