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Writer's picturepaolocavaliere

"How is my environment influencing my reality?"

You are the product of your environment:

  • The people you spend the most time with;

  • The content you consume;

  • The spaces you occupy;

  • The thoughts you allow to stay;

Your environment impacts your day-to-day experience as you walk through life.

It can do so positively or negatively.

How is your environment influencing your reality?

If I'm unsatisfied with my progress in some area, are there environmental factors at play?

Is my environment actually in sync with the reality I want to create?

An honest assessment typically reveals areas for improvement.

While you may not feel in control of your reality, you are in control of your environment, at least in the long run.

There are always going to be short term challenges that you encounter along the way.

Situations that dislocate your actual environment from your desired environment.

But in the long run, if you take steady, consistent actions, you can craft an environment in line with your desires.

The key takeaway: If you take action to improve your environment, your reality will follow.

That's all for this week.

Much love,


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