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Writer's picturepaolocavaliere

How to achieve goals


Do you have goals and you don’t know how to reach them?

You are not alone.

Goals can be overwhelming…we can see them as impossible to achieve.

We try, and we give up at the first setback we are experiencing, or because others telling us that we will never achieve them, or we are telling ourselves we are not worthy to even try.

Do you resonate with the above?

I do.

But then how can we achieve what we want in our life?

This is what I do:

I am always really aligned with my goals, really feel them, see them and believe them.

I write down what it feels like to achieve the goal, where am I, who is with me, what are my surroundings. I am going in with being as much specific as I can. I work a lot on visualisation: cutting pictures for my vision board, drawing, and anything that can bring my energies to a higher level that feels real already.

I declare to the universe.

I share my goals with who I trust, and I know they are there to support me.

Having somebody that can keep you accountable helps you to move forward to achieve your goals.

I break the goal in small chunks.

It is like planning a trip. You know the destination and you have to plan the various stops. Each stop gives you the opportunities to put actions in place (remember that small actions can work wonders and they feel more achievable).

I write it all down in my journal.

For example: I want to rent my flat out. What do I need to do?

Setting a date for putting the flat on the market, decluttering, decorating, arranging storage space, etc.

I take actions at each “stops”.

I write down what action(s) I will take at each stop.

I don’t give up when the first hurdle comes in my way.

I learn from it instead.

I reflect and write down what happened and what I can do better.

I embrace and enjoy the process.

Although we need to be laser focused on our goal (see it, feel it, believe it), we need to let go of it and focusing on the now, on the actions.

I ask for help.

There is nothing wrong to ask for support if that what you feel you need: a friend, a mentor, a coach.

Let’s go!

Have a great day and see you soon,


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