Emotions are sometimes seen as problematic…to be avoided or handled with care.
However, emotions are information that we receive, and it is important to know how to read them.
Most of us don't know how.
But we can’t deny ourselves and one another permission to feel.
We avoid difficult conversations with our colleagues, we explode at a loved one.
When we do that we lose the ability to even identify what we are feeling…
And we go a little numb inside.
When that happens, we are unable to understand why we are experiencing an emotion or what it is happening in our lives that is causing it.
Because of that, we can’t name it (the emotion), we can’t express it and it becomes almost impossible to do anything about it.
Our emotions influence us and everyone around us.
What I know now that I didn’t know before is:
I recognise my own emotions, not just in the things we think, feel but in my body language, my tone of voice.
I understand those feelings and check what causes them and see how they have been influencing my behaviour.
I label that emotion.
I express my feeling in a way that I inform the listener.
I regulate my emotions, I am in control of them not the other way around.
The above steps are cold the RULER model, check it out here Marc Brackett, Ph.D
There is work to do.
One step a time.
Change is possible.
Until next time,
Much love.
Whenever you are ready, there are few ways I can help you:
1. If you are feeling stuck with your life or career, and you have decided it is time to take control of it, this is how you can begin: Coaching One to One 2. If you are interested to find out more about the 6 elements that I have been practicing in my most recent years and that they have been fundamental for my life changing, here it is the link to the Programme I created based on those very tools:
3. If you want to Manifest Your Life, and you don't know how to start, there is an affordable (it is FREE) course where you will learn, in a few steps, how you can simply do that; How to learn to Manifest your life