The average age of starting a business is 35-45 years old.
I started mine at 55
The average age of getting married is 38 years old.
I am not married,... yet.
The average age of having a child is 31 years old.
I do not have children.
The average age to have a career change is 30.
I changed career at 55.
Being condition by what society wanted me to be, to do had a subconscious heavy weigh on me.
I was continuously chasing my dream life, job, relationship when in fact I did not have any clarity on what I really wanted.
I thought because I didn’t have it all figured out by 30 I had somehow failed myself and failed to prove I deserved my place in the world.
I think we all have so much pressure on us to have accomplished X, Y and Z by this age or that age.
But NO ONE’s timeline should be the same.
Because none of us are the same person.
Starting my first business at 55 is still an achievement.
Getting married at 58 (that's the plan!!!) is still beautiful (I am so looking forward to it).
Buying my home with my partner at 57 is exciting.
I have nothing to prove to anyone by but myself.
Life is not a race.
Progress takes time and happens in layers.
You’ll get to where you’re meant to get to, even if you’re not there today.
So stop living your life to other people's timelines.
Your life will be 10 times better if you don't.
Live your life, not somebody else's.
Remember, your daily actions shape your identity.
Change is possible.
Much love,