Declare what you want and you are one step ahead of your dilemma.
But it doesn’t stop there.
Sometimes we want to make a decision, but the real problem is that we have made a decision we are afraid to step into. Think about when you wanted to leave a job but afraid to because of the risk involved, or having to end a relationship that is toxic.
What we can learn is: when we are listing our options, our emotions will likely to reveal our preference, despite our fears.
By admitting our preference will help us to identify what is causing our fears and to found out if the consequences are real, assumed or exaggerated.
Sometimes we are feeling unappreciated, or under pressure to perform at work or home. What we focus on is on how we manage tasks and time. Instead, we need to focus on what it is draining our energies.
Be clear of what you want to do now…so that you can muster courage and gain additional support to take the first step.
Clarify your outcome and you may see a new way forward, or face what you knew already you had to do all along. Until next time, Much love, P